What to expect

Before registering

Gather your dance troupe

But wait, what? You’re not a professional dancer? No problem. ‘Round here we’re all about high enthusiasm, low experience, uncommon talent! This is your time to shine, and we don’t mind how you do that. Mommy is so proud of you already.

Your group can be made up of friends, colleagues, neighbours or strangers. Anyone really. Find your tribe!

Groups have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 participants. Just be mindful of the dance floor dimensions. At just 5 x 3 metres it’s tight. Just like your routine.

Dancers can only perform with one group on the night.

This opens up space for more people to get involved. If we notice that you’re registered in more than one group, we’ll get in touch and make you choose between groups. Commit your love to just one group and we can avoid those awkward conversations.

Want to join but don’t have a group?

No group, no problem! Mommy is teaming up with Castlemaine Community House in 2025 to provide an opportunity for community members keen to shake their booties at Hot Moves, but without a ready made group to register to dance with, to get involved in all the fun. Follow Castlemaine Community House socials, or reach out to them.

INFORMATION SESSION — There will be an information session at 6:00pm on Wednesday 19 March at Castlemaine Community House for the solo peeps seeking to join a group.

>> Learn more about the Castlemaine Comunity House x HMNP initiative

No Pressure Rounds *Back for 2025*

You spoke, Mommy listened, Mommy trialled, Mommy liked. So much so that we are bringing the No Pressure Round back for 2025.

The No Pressure Round opens the night, giving those who love to dance the chance to do so without the pressure of battling it out. Mommy wants everyone to feel comfortable and welcome.

Just let us know when you register that you’d prefer not to battle.

Choose your song

It’s time to pick your track. But wait – Mommy insists you read her house rules before you get carried away.

House rules:

  • it can’t be a song used in HMNPs of years gone by (check out Mommy’s spotify account if you’re unsure). If it’s on there, we won’t play it again out of respect for the HMNP children of 2022, ’23 and ’24.
  • if another group chooses the same song, whether or not it’s a different artist or mix, Mommy will give the song to the first group pulled at the ballot. The second group pulled will be contacted and asked to choose another song. This is not an eisteddfod – no one wants to hear the same song twice.
  • multiple songs edited into the one track are allowed BUT it is very important that ALL songs to be used for your dance are disclosed at registration time so that we can avoid clashes (and upset) on the night. If this sounds like your thing, you’ll be in charge of cutting it yourself in line with our specs.
  • all songs / tracks must be edited to approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If you send us a 17-minute anthem, we won’t care how good your interpretive dance is, we reserve the right to cut your track off at two and a half minutes mid performance!

Editing of your song

In 2023 Mommy sat with her Casio double cassette deck and cut everyone’s track herself, but then some groups cut their own track and didn’t let Mommy know.

If you’d prefer to supply your own edit, Mommy will let you know the necessary tech specs, and the deadline. Please let her know so that she’s not wasting her time rewinding cassettes with a pencil – you don’t want to see her passive-aggressively clean the bathroom when she’s miffed. If your edited track is not received by the deadline supplied, you will likely end up dancing to Dance DAD’s (Digital Audio Dude’s) cut of the track on the night instead, and nobody loves a mistimed moment.

For those groups who’d like their edited track supplied, Mommy will send you a high quality, (approx) 2.5 minute track for you and your group to practice to.



There is a new way to register for 2025

Registrations will be open for 12 hours from 9am Saturday 26th April

Mommy’s turning down the anxiety. You will now have a full 12 hours to register your group’s interest in performing. All entries received between 9am and 9pm, Saturday 26th April, will be entered into a ballot to be drawn out by Castlemaine Royalty, with successful groups announced on Sunday 27th April.

Successful groups

When we confirm your registration, we’ll send you two things:

  1. Bank details for the group registration fee:
  • Registration fee is payable by direct deposit.
  • Your group’s spot will be confirmed ONLY once payment has been received.
  1. Your song/track for the night:
  • Your confirmation email will also reveal the song you have been allocated for the night.
Registration fee

All successful dance groups must pay a $20 non-refundable registration fee per group.

Dance Mom and her Corp de Disco are all volunteers, committed to throwing a self-sustaining event. Your rego fee along with ticket revenue helps us to pay the creatives (our photographers, DJs and MC) what they fully deserve and ensures HMNP’s survival well into the future.

Experiencing hardship but really want to dance? Who are we to deny dance from your life if you’re doing it tough? Please get in touch.

Before the big night

Get choreographing

Once you have your dance crew assembled and a copy of your edited track, it’s time to start choreographing. Some groups like to do this together, while some have a Dance Queen who whips everyone into shape (saucy!).

Plan to meet regularly in the lead up to the event and practice, practice, practice. We cannot stress enough how important regular practice is to lock in your dance steps and create some muscle memories for your brain.

Getting together with your mates, listening to some tunes and shakin’ your thang is a massive reason we started HMNP. So get social, get warm, and get creative.


Costumes are the icing on your spectacular dance cake!

Previous years have brought us Brittany Spears back catalogue of lewks, farmer wants a cow, a skank mom giving birth on stage to fully-grown humans (yes you read that right) AND a fluffy unicorn defecating rainbow sh*t in the middle of the stage. The (clothes-rack) bar is high!

One piece of advice from the HMNP Dance Mom: when you think you’ve added enough sequins, add more. And then some more for luck!

Sprinkly, sparkly glitter

But speaking of sparkles, can we cool it with the glitter please? Not only is it not sustainable, Boomtown find the glitter left on their floor super tricky to deal with and it also clogs their drains. They are a working winery after all – and no one wants bits of microplastic in their pet nat.

Think sustainably

We all know Castlemaine LOVES a good dress-up, so rather than buy new, put a call out to the hive mind to see if that peacock headpiece / gold-fringed bodysuit / sequinned unitard already exists, and ask to borrow it for the night (pretty-please).

Last year we partnered with local Op Shops to help crews sustainably source their outfits. We are hoping to do the same again this year. Stay tuned for more info, as soon as Mommy makes it in to drop off her leopard print leotards that no longer spark Marie Kondo joy, and has a chin wag with the oppy managers.

On the night

When and where

Saturday 16 August 2025

Boomtown  at The Mill, 1-9 Walker Street, Castlemaine.
Entrance for the event is through Boomtown’s new(ish) door, just past Sprout.
Map coming soon.
An accessible entrance is available at the rear of the site. This entrance is wheelchair and carpark accessible.

This is strictly an 18+ event.

About the venue

Boomtown is a large warehouse style room with white walls and a concrete floor.

As Boomtown is a winery, it has large vats in the space, which can smell of wine being processed. There is low lighting in the venue, with most light directed at where the dance groups will perform.

As the event is held in winter, it can be cold in the space. Be sure to bring a warm coat (or dance hard to warm up!)

Toilets are available for all genders and levels of access.

There are no change rooms. If you are performing, please arrive in costume and ready to dance.

No food will be served at the event.

Boomtown is a licensed venue and BYO alcohol is not permitted.

Need to know for dance groups

Entry for dance groups

Dance Mom will work with your team contact prior to the event to ensure everyone who is dancing in your group is on our door list. The names of all dancers must be on the door list to make it past our door bitches on the night, otherwise you might be left out in the cold.

Details coming soon about the pre-event briefing.

Please come ready and dressed to perform

This year, there is no official back-stage area. There are no change rooms. There will be a mirror in the corridor near the public toilets for last minute checks, but this area is NOT restricted to dancers only.  If you are performing, please arrive in costume and ready to dance.


If you have props, please ensure that this information has been communicated to Mommy through the official form. This form will be sent to your dance captain. Mommy will get in touch with you to let you know where you can store your props prior to, and after your dance.

Performance time

We’ll let you know at approximately what time you will be dancing, though we ask that all dancers arrive early to be present for the briefing. Arriving early also gives support to all dancers, who will also support you!


Tickets are $25/ $20 concession

More information about tickets coming soon.

However, numbers will as always be tighter than Mommy’s spandex. So the only way to up your chances of attending HMNP is to REGISTER TO DANCE. 

This is a strictly 18+ event.

Event format

The event will be hosted by the wonderful Razzberry Beret. Razz will make announcements throughout the event.

There will be 3-4 rounds of dance performances where people will sit or stand and watch, with lots of clapping and cheering occurring throughout.

No Pressure round

Back for 2025, the  ‘No Pressure’ round opens the show with a bang, giving those who love to dance the chance to perform without the pressure of doing so in a battle format. You will need to specify your preference for this at registration.

The Dance Battles

For the rest of you, the dance battles are still on! During the battle rounds – Group A will battle Group B. Then there’ll be some audience participation led by the MC (aka voting for who they liked best).  This is in no way scientific, nor a measure of talent, and could come down to who has the most mates in the crowd. #NotFairButWeDontCare

Between the dance rounds

Between and after the No Pressure and Dance Battle rounds, DJs will play some dance floor bangers to get everyone moving. So even if you’re not feeling quite brave enough to sign up to dance, you’ll still get a chance to shake your booty.

Music will play throughout the entire event. It will be quite loud. The only quiet spaces are outdoors.

The audience can stand, or sit on the floor or available stools / benches.

The event will finish at 11.30pm


The crowd

The crowd is made up of fellow dancers and allies. The split is approximately 50/50 which makes for an inclusive, supportive event where everyone shines.

The audience can stand or sit on the floor or available stools / benches.

This is a strictly an 18+ event.

Photography and filming

Everyone’s favourite photographer, Penny Ryan, will be in attendance on the night, capturing all the high-jinx and shenanigans. These photographs will be used in our social channels (Facebook and Instagram), the HMNP website and for future HMNP event promotion.

If you want to share any of Penny’s official event snaps after, please do. Just remember to give credit to Penny Ryan Photography. Tag and link to Penny’s socials and website. She is a talented lady (and can throw a good jazz hand on the dance floor) and deserves credit where credit is due.

If you plan to use Penny’s images beyond a friendly social share, please contact her directly to discuss potential associated costs.

Filming on mobile phones is allowed and highly encouraged. Share all the fun of the night on your socials, just remember to tag us.

#HMNPCastlemaine is the official tag.


Facebook + Instagram

Reviews for HMNP 2023

‘Wildly entertaining. Joyful. Positive. Supportive. The best.’

‘Fun, anything goes, inclusive night with mega flashbacks to classic bangers and 80s hot moves’

‘I enjoyed the silliness, creativity, coming together with new friends and old to collaborate and play together, the costumery production (and seeing others), the nervous excitement in lead up and rehearsals and going to personal edges (much respect to members of our crew who did butt reveals), the surprise of witnessing other crews’ madness, and ultimately sharing it all with such an amazing and supportive community. LOVE IT!’

‘The incredible costumes!! The sheer commitment from the dancers! The mini dance breaks for the crowd between battles. Loved the DJ set afterwards. Razz the MC WAS PERFECT! The mini trophies were adorable. The atmosphere was like a fever dream. Stratospheric.’

‘Awesome eclectic imagination of our town expressed through dance, the raucous support for each other and the diversity of performances. Love. It.’